Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Performance Task (Tues, 24 July)

Hello Class,

Summary of teaching points:

  1. Understand the market place and customer needs
  2. Design a customer-driven marketing strategy
  3. Construct an integrated marketing programme that delivers superior value
  4. Build profitable relationships and create customer delight
  5. Capture value from customers to create profits and customer equity
  • Objective: To sell at least 1 of your product to each classmate. 
  • Target Group: Your classmates.
  • In groups of 3, do the following and present your selected product. Maximum 4 slides.
  • Decide on a product you want to sell (you can use the product from Term 2).
  • Set up a company to sell the product, think of a name and tagline for your company.
  • Think of the customers for your product, how it can offer superior value to your customers in terms of product benefits and experiences, and meet the customer needs. 
  • Post up to respective class I&E Blog. 
  • Due date: Day before next week’s I&E lesson. (I&E Reps: Dawn-02, Enoch-04, JunWei-08, assist to remind your class groups.
Ryan will be collating the groups: sstryansio@gmail.com, sagaras98@gmail.com

1 comment:

  1. Made it public~ :D https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Zxvp7Jq2_E0MWpaRD9ZPPaB_K1yqHrDqim_ERu-IzFE/edit?pli=1#slide=id.p
